The Golden Ratio

Dr Nina’s bespoke treatment plan can restore your proportions closer to the Golden Ratio, the mathematical symmetry algorithm that underlies our perception of attractiveness.


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The Golden Ratio

The Golden Ratio (also known as Phi, or the Fibonacci number) is the mathematical symmetry algorithm that underlies our perception of attractiveness. The Italian Renaissance polymath, Leonardo Da Vinci, used the Golden Ratio equation and realised that the closer a face or object gets to this number, the higher the level of its perceived beauty. Studies of the most beautiful women in the world have shown that they have countless instances of this ratio in their faces. This proves symmetry to be a key factor in perceived attractiveness, especially in female faces. Dr Nina uses the Golden Ratio formula, as well as her own personal assessment, to analyse her patient’s face and devise a specific treatment plan. She measures the length and width of the face. Then, she divides the length by the width. The ideal result—as defined by the Golden Ratio—is roughly 1.62. Upon consultation only.

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